Man or woman; you should be using a face lotion every day no matter the season. While many women have gotten the memo, we’re still seeing many men in our office that resist a healthy face routine. Why is there a social stigma when it comes to dabbing a little lotion on your face? We’re not too sure, but we’re here to say that making a small change to your self-care routine has huge benefits. Face lotion is especially important to protecting your face in the summer.

Protection from Harmful UV Rays

One of the primary reasons to use a face lotion with SPF in the summer is to shield your skin from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. UV radiation can cause skin damage, premature aging, sunburns, and increase the risk of skin cancer. Applying a face lotion with SPF helps protect your skin from these damaging effects.

Prevents Sunburn

Sunburns are a common concern during the summer months. Sunscreen with SPF helps prevent sunburn by blocking and absorbing UV rays. Using a face lotion with SPF ensures that your facial skin, which is often more delicate, is adequately protected from sunburn.

Woman face, eye wrinkles before and after treatment - the result of face lotion over time

Minimize Skin Aging

Exposure to the sun’s UV rays can accelerate the aging process of your skin, leading to wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. Applying face lotion with SPF helps minimize the signs of premature aging caused by sun damage, helping your skin maintain a more youthful appearance.

Reduce Hyperpigmentation and Dark Spots

Sun exposure can trigger or worsen hyperpigmentation and dark spots on the skin, such as melasma or sunspots. The use of SPF-containing face lotion helps prevent the darkening of existing spots and the development of new ones, promoting a more even and radiant complexion.

Lower Skin Cancer Risk

Prolonged exposure to UV radiation is a significant risk factor for developing skin cancer. Regular use of face lotion with SPF provides daily protection against harmful UV rays, helping to reduce the risk of skin cancer, including both melanoma and non-melanoma types.

Convenient Daily Moisturization

Many face lotions with SPF combine sun protection with moisturizing properties. Using a face lotion with SPF allows you to conveniently moisturize and hydrate your skin while simultaneously safeguarding it from sun damage. It eliminates the need for separate products and simplifies your skincare routine.

A face lotion regimen, especially one containing SPF, will do wonders for your complexion, protect the health of your skin, and even reduce the aging of your skin. To us, it’s a no-brainer!

Do you have any questions? Or perhaps you need some more skincare recommendations? Make an appointment to see us today.