Nail Disorders

Dermatologist in Dallas, TX

The nails on your fingers and toes are made of a hardened protein, keratin, and protect the soft tissue underneath. Healthy nails are smooth and consistent in color so any discoloration or changes in growth can indicate the presence of injury, infection, or disease. 


There are multiple nail disorders so symptoms can vary, but common signs include:

  • Nail pain or soreness
  • Thickened nails
  • Distorted growth
  • Dark streaks
  • Yellow nails
  • Nail lifting up
  • Brittle or cracked nails
  • Fouls smells
  • Redness and swelling around a nail


Many types of fungus can bring about a nail disorder by penetrating the skin between the nail and nail bed. Warm, moist environments (such as inside boots) can cause an infection to develop quickly.  Other factors include family history, walking barefoot in public areas, or excessive sweating.  Health problems such as diabetes and poor circulation are common instigators. 


If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above or have other reasons to suspect a nail disorder, make an appointment with your dermatologist to examine your nails. Once your dermatologist has evaluated your condition, they can offer multiple treatment methods including:

  • OTC Antifungal medications (oral and topical) 
  • Laser nail treatment
  • Complete removal of the nail


There are many steps you can take to prevent nail fungal infections. For starters, you should always wear sandals when walking in public areas like gyms, spas, public showers, or pools.  You should also wear clean socks every day or invest in moisture-wicking socks if your feet tend to get extremely sweaty. It is important to wear shoes that fit well and effectively keep your feet dry and ventilated. Be sure to regularly clip your nails — cut toenails straight across and keep them shorter than the end of your toes!

Finally, it is important to regularly check your toenails and fingernails for early signs of infection and if you have any questions or concerns, contact your dermatologist.  Our seasoned doctors here at White Rock Dermatology have years of experience treating nail disorders so schedule your appointment today!