ATTENTION: Effective July 1st we will be located in suite 110 in the same building

While it’s true that eczema can flare up at any time of the year, it’s heavily influenced by dry air, making it a common problem in the winter when humidity is at its lowest. Many of us simply deal with our eczema—we grit our teeth, refrain from itching, and hope it goes away on its own.

Eczema will go away on its own in most cases. Like most chronic skin conditions, it has flare-ups, which come and go. However, there are a few ways that chronic eczema sufferers can take matters into their own hands in the winter to try and manage their eczema symptoms.

Invest in a High-Quality Humidifier

Dry air is a major problem for your skin. Our bodies rely on a certain amount of humidity in the air (about 40-50%) to keep our skin moist. Without that moisture in the air, our skin will dry and conditions like eczema will be on a hair trigger.

With that said, buy a humidifier that is rated for the square footage it’s meant to operate in. Running your humidifier throughout the day will adjust the humidity to an equitable level and your skin will thank you.

Use Lotion with Colloidal Oatmeal

Lotion is great for your skin. However, eczema sufferers need a specific type of lotion, one that contains a product called “colloidal oatmeal.” Colloidal oatmeal is essentially a starch that, once applied to the skin, acts as a barrier between your skin and the air. If applied after a shower, it effectively traps that moisture against your skin, nourishing it.

If you are an eczema sufferer, then it’s suggested that you apply this type of lotion 2-3 times a day, especially after a bath or shower, and especially at night.

Avoid Excessive Bathing

Believe it or not, a hot bath or shower will serve to dry out your skin even more, especially if you use soap. We suggest you avoid excessive bathing and showering if you suffer from eczema, limit the soap (or skip it entirely), and resist the urge to crank the heat.

If you’re one of those people that absolutely need to soak after a long day, then be sure to bathe with a colloidal oatmeal bath soak to ensure you keep that helpful moisture in your skin.

Visit a Dermatologist

Sometimes eczema has no clear cause, nor will it readily respond to home treatment. If this is the case, then we suggest you visit a dermatologist to get to the bottom of your condition. There are prescription medications that can help soothe eczema symptoms and they are highly effective.

Are you an eczema sufferer? Reach out to us today and let’s get to the bottom of your skin condition.